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Media Center

Welcome to one of the largest media centers in the district! We have three projector screens, surround-sound audio, a wide selection of books, and plenty of tables and couches for interacting with fellow Rattlers or getting caught up on your coursework.

Basic Rules

Using the Media Center is a privilege, not a right as a North Canyon student. That being said, we don't regulate phone and laptop usage, and video games are allowed to be played at the projectors as long as the games are school appropriate.

The primary rule that will be enforced is no eating and no liquids other than water in the Media Center. This space is not to be used as a dining hall. Students may also lose their Media Center privilege if they are throwing objects. During lunch hour, all students are highly encouraged to find a seat at a table or couch instead of standing near one of the entrances.

Love to Read?

North Canyon is proud to offer a variety of library resources for our students – both in hard copy and as eBooks. We use a system called Follett Destiny for library (media center) resources.

Destiny Discover (sometimes called Follett Destiny) is North Canyon's web-based library catalog and resource that can be used from any device that is connected to the internet. It allows you to:

  • See all of the books — both hard copies in print and digital eBooks — available in North Canyon's library.
  • View book information, including copies available, a description of the book, reading level, and reviews.
  • See suggestions of related subjects.
  • Make a list of book selections.
  • Create a bibliography from a book list with a touch of a button.
  • Write reviews.
  • View your Destiny account, which includes materials from both the library and the bookstore.

To find out what's available at North Canyon:

Go to Destiny Discover

You can explore Destiny Discover as a guest to see book titles available, or you can log in.

Accessing Student Library History

If you would like to access your child's library history, visit Destiny Discover or contact your school's media center. 

Accessing Check-out History: 
  1. Once in Destiny Discover, click “Login” located in the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Select “Single Sign On” as the option to sign in.
  3. Log in with the authentication portal using your child's PVSchools username and password. Once logged in, you should see your child's name in the top right corner of the screen.
  4. Click the “My Stuff” option and then choose “History” to view your child's check-out history.

eBooks and Other Digital Resources

Destiny Discover is also North Canyon's resource for eBooks and other digital material. Students and staff can see available eBooks and download them to any electronic device using the Destiny Discover app. 

Find your device

Access to a wide variety of digital (eBook) titles can be enjoyed on multiple types of electronic devices. Access to the Destiny Discover eBooks resource is free for all North Canyon students and staff. Parents may also receive a free Destiny Discover eBook account by contacting their student's school library.

To check out an eBook, create a citation for a digital resource, or view your Destiny account, look for "Log In" in the upper right hand corner. Click on the blue button "Paradise Valley Single Sign On Log In for Library Patrons" on the left side of the log in page.

Additional Pointers

NCHS Media Center/Library Hours

Monday - Friday, 7:10 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.*

*Closed after school on half-days and during monthly faculty meetings.

Contact the Media Center

Andrew Gilstrap


Pamela Burns