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Attendance Line: (602) 449-5001 (English and Spanish)

Please use the attendance line within 24 hours to excuse a student's absence by 7 a.m. To excuse absences more than one day prior, a doctor's note is required.  Student absences will also be excused for extracurricular activities coordinated by an NCHS staff member.

Attendance Policies

Regular attendance is the key to much of the success a student may gain from his or her school program. Students should remain out of school only when absolutely necessary; much of classroom activity cannot be made up and the benefit of lectures, discussion and participation is lost to those who are absent. A doctor’s verification may be requested for excessive illness-related absences. 

Tardy Policy

This policy applies to a student who arrives to class after the tardy bell. Students will be marked tardy up until 10 minutes after the tardy bell. Students who arrive 11 minutes or more into the class period without a pass will be marked absent. In Infinite Campus, a tardy is indicated by the letter "T."

Teachers' Tardy Procedure

  • Once the final bell rings, the teacher will close the locked door.
  • The teacher will take attendance. All tardy students will wait outside the door.  
  • After attendance is taken the teacher will open the door and change the absence to a tardy in IC.  
  • Security will be monitoring the halls and will sweep students that are still wandering the halls. If a student is waiting for a teacher to open the door, security will leave them by the classroom. If a student is not by the classroom, the student will be swept.   
  • Administration will continue to do random sweeps with the help of staff and teachers. 
  • Four tardies equals an unexcused absence.

Traffic and Drop-off Points

All student drop-off and pick-up is in the northwest parking lot off Westcott Drive.

Do not use the front lot, Union Hills or 19th Place.

It is highly recommended that students arrive on campus no later than 7:15 a.m. in order to be on time to first period. Be aware that traffic on Wescott and Union Hills is substantial in the mornings, especially after 7:15 a.m., so please plan accordingly.

Early Dismissal/ Late Arrival Students

Students who have chosen a Late Arrival or Early Dismissal scheduling option are not allowed on our school grounds when not scheduled for on-campus classes.

For example, if a student has chosen Fourth-Hour Early Dismissal, they would need to leave campus after Fourth Hour. This is true even if a student participates in extracurricular activities or Early College. The student in question would simply need to return after school is out in order to participate in the activity.